Monday, March 31, 2008

Forget about the 5th

Well Boston can officially say goodbye to being in the 5th percentile for everything. Here are his 2 month stats

-Weight- 11 lbs. 1 oz. putting him in the 50% that's right he really is deserving of being called a chunk
-Height- 23 inches 75% Expected remember who his Mom and Dad are... two tall people
-Head- 15.3 inches 50% An average noggin is great!

Other than him getting 4 shots and screaming his head off for about 15 minutes (I wanted to cry to it was the saddest thing seeing tears run down his face for that long) his appointment went well. On Thursday we went to the neurologist to check on the bleeding in his head and it is all gone. We feel very blessed that his head heart and lungs have healed all on their own and that he is a healthy happy baby.

Check out my battle wounds

Yes this was his sad face all day long. It was the saddest thing I have ever seen.


Camille said...

Congratulations! He's so beautiful and we're so happy he's so healthy. What a relief.

ps.... veryyyy cute new blog!

Britanee Walker said...

That is so great! He's gotten so big. BTW, i think you have a great camera and new new blog is so stinking cute! i'm checking out that new site you gave me :) love ya!

Hightower said...

He is so adorable! I always hated the shots...I actually cried the first time Rylie got her shots..I know I'm emotional..: ) Congratulations on your baby though...

Britanee Walker said...

poor thing! that just breaks your heart! what software do i use? i use memory mixer but everyone else i know uses photoshop cse3 (i think that's it). i've personally tried using photoshop and i don't like it. did you know emily haymond is moving to idaho?!

Ryan ♥ Breelyn said...

Oh the little man! He has really taken some hits! :) What a blessing and an incredible person to be strong enough to heal all on his own. Go Boston!

The Hunters said...

Yeah! We are glad everything is going well for the little guy and that he is growing to be tall, dark, and handsome for Lucy!

The Beck's said...

It is so fun to hear from you. Boston is adorable. It would be fun to get together sometime. Dave was talking about having an SAA BBQ sometime soon. We'll let you know.

Ryan and Jamie Sharp said...

Poor little man! At least he looks good while he is doing it. I love his little outfit!

Anonymous said...

That is great that he is all caught up now. Good to see he is healthy and strong:) Isn't just the saddest thing ever when they get those shots. I am the worst mom ever, I went out of the room on Hallie's very first shots. I was scared. Lame I know!