Monday, July 21, 2008


So after getting ready for the pool on Saturday and putting Boston's hat on we decided it was time for an Upgrade.

Before: barley covered the top half of his head

After: so cute and feels pretty cool


Ashlee said...

I love that little guy! I cannot believe how fast he has grown, sad to miss out on it! XOXO

Amber said...

Ha ha!! That first hat looks so small! I love the new one that he got! I hope you had fun at the pool and you look so darling and happy Teresa!!

Britanee Walker said...

i absolutely LOVE that 2nd picture-of you and him. it's so cute and he's getting so big so fast. you need to come up here again! love ya!

K. Bitton said...

He is so cute!! I love babies in hats! What a cute chunky boy you have!

melissa marie said...

ha ha I love his sunglasses. Looks like you guys are enjoying the warm weather!

Anonymous said...

He is such a little cutie and getting so big. I love your short hair cut, it's way cute.

Hightower said...

Is it quiksilver?? haha...he is adorable!

kelsey and murray said...

love the hat! I can't believe how big he is getting. Where does time go? When is your disneyland trip?

preston. shawnee. cohen. said...

Haha, this is WAY too cute :) And I seriously love your hair Teresa, it makes me want to cut mine... but I just know it wouldn't look that cute!

tiffany said...

so cute! He's such a big kid already! I love his cheeks! You are such a cute family!