Monday, March 28, 2011


No Carter is not coming home. Yet. Home is a word that we haven't talked about pretty much ever with the Doctors. Today we did and it was awesome. Carter is a rockstar! Seriously the kid is blowing away everyone. Before surgery all the doctors kept telling us "now remember it is going to get a lot worse before it gets better". In almost all Trach cases that is true. Thankfully in Carters it hasn't been. We thought that he would be still on pain meds sedated 6 days post-op. Not Carter he decided today that he was ready to kick the vent and switch over to CPAP mode. Meaning the machine is just boosting his own breaths. He is doing all the breathing on his own. This morning when I talked to the Doctor it was his goal to get Carter to CPAP mode by Friday. I guess all it took was for Carter to hear that because he had awesome blood gasses after and switched over within a couple of hours. Pretty much we are ecstatic. Our hopes of coming home off the vent are becoming more of a reality. In fact one of the RT's today said she would bet a million bucks that he comes home off the vent. Keep your fingers crossed. If he came home off the vent that would mean a lot less in home nursing care and we could have more of a "normal" life. So the plan now is that all the Doc's, developmental, and whoever else are going to meet Thursday and figure out a concrete plan for Carter and discuss his DISCHARGE date!!! We won't come straight home. We will make a stop at Our Children's House in downtown Dallas for a couple weeks. Dr. Perez said we could be making our way over there as early as next week. There we will learn more trach care, wean him off his pressure support and hopefully change him over to trach collar (meaning humidify and oxygen). From there we will come home.

Speaking about trach care. Today was the first time they have changed out his trach since surgery. Not going to lie it was freaky! Good thing I have a strong stomach because seeing the hole in his neck wasn't too pretty. Somehow I mustered up the strength to do the care and clean up all the wounds. This is something that we will do daily forever so I figured might as well just get it all figured out now. I also learned how to suction him, easy. When we changed out his trach we put in a new kind that is so much more comfortable for him. He was such a happy boy after. Calmer than I have ever seen him. The stitches in his neck that were holding the trach in place were really irritating his skin so we were happy to get them out. He most definitely has sensitive skin like his Daddy and Brother.

This is what a trach looks like. Carter's is more rubbery, making it more comfortable for him. Pretty much the same thing. The long little tube thing is what goes into his airway and what he breaths out of. I try not too think too much about it because it kinda freaks me out. I know with time it will all become more normal.

Anyways the kid is cute. Freaking cute. We are so proud of him. The thought of him being home is unreal. I can't even put it into words. We are beyond happy! We have lots to do to get things ready for him to come home. We also need to get our CPR certification done. We have put it off for so long because we thought home was still a long ways a way. Time to get busy or I guess I should say busier our lives are pretty crazy.


Anonymous said...

Carter is not the only rock star..... Teresa, you are a ROCK STAR!!! I'm glad to hear Carter is doing so good. That's exciting that Carter is getting closer to home. I'm sure that will be a scary step but also a relief at the same time. You are simply amazing!!!

Britanee Walker said...

that is fabulous news! your little family is incredibly strong. Brian & I talk about you guys on a daily basis (mainly me updating him like Carter's my child lol) & we can't ever say enough about how strong you & Trav are, how much of a fighter Carter is & how great of a big brother Boston is. thanks for the update! we'll be praying for him to come home soon!

Rene said...

What a Rock Star. I am so happy for you guys!

Laura said...

Yay Carter! We couldn't be happier for you!

Ashley said...

What a doll! He is freaking cute! So glad things are going well!!!

Andrea said...

That is wonderful! I'm so glad to hear he is doing well! How exciting for you all... I can't wait to hear that discharge date! YAY!

PS: He is adorable! I love seeing pictures of him in real clothes!!!

Brienne & Kelsey said...

AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lots of Smiles!! :)

Camille said...

the first comment is true... you are a total superwoman rockstar. I don't think I could do a tenth of what you're doing. When the Lord gives us a calling, He surely enables us to accomplish it, doesn't He?

And when you say "trach forever..." does that mean he really will have it for the rest of his life? won't he eventually learn to breath on his own?

You are all continually in our prayers. We love you!

preston. shawnee. cohen. said...

Oh I'm so glad to hear he is doing so well! What GREAT news. That will be more than wonderful to be able to have him home, and not have to just be with one of your boys at a time. And I agree with Cassie!!! You and your attitude are amazing Teresa. Love ya!

K. Bitton said...

I'm so glad to hear such good news from you!! I continue to think about you often and pray that all goes well. You are an amazing example to me, what a wonderful momma you are!!

macandmegan said...

YAY!!!! He's made such progress its unbelievable! This little guy is going to go far in life :)

melissa marie said...

Oh my goodness he is doing so well! AND SO ARE YOU! You both look great!

kelsey and murray said...

i can't get over how darling he is! he looks good teres! i am so glad that things are heading in the right direction and progress is being made- i bet that is a huge relief!! i'm excited for you to hear the word "home" that will be a fantastic day for your little family. ps. you look wonderful!!!! xoxo.

Preston and Jamyn said...

YAY!!!! What a blessing! I'm so happy for you guys. I have to agree with Cassie, not only is Carter a rock star, but so are you Teres!

Kirsti said...

wow! How exciting! I'm so glad he is doing better now with the trach- What wonderful blessings! I can't wait to hear all about how home is with Carter in it.

tiffany said...

What great news! I'm so glad for all of you!! Did I mention he has the CUTEST cheeks? I love that we can see his cute face!!

jenna said...

he is looking SO CHUBBY!! like seriously a little chunk! ugggh i just remember every ounce being such a feat. i don't know how you've done this for this long. you are seriously my hero.

and you look tiny.

you seem to be doing such a great job keeping both boys happy and loved. keep it up, maybe you're almost to the finish line???

i wanted to email you about some pre term labor stuff. me your email, i thought i had it?

FriscoFour said...

Such good news Teresa!! I am so happy to hear how well he is doing on the trach. You should get some kind of nursing degree after this. :) Hope all is well.

Tracy and family....And, if you ever see this and ever have a second to do it, will you switch my invite to And if it's not until next year, I totally understand!