Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Beach Day!

Pretty sure the kids could be at the beach all day everyday and be perfectly happy. I always joke with Trav that the cheapest date is going to the beach because the sand and water provide free babysitting. Boston and Carter sure loved having cousins there with them. Trav and I always love it when people are there too. We get to go out in the water at the same time. 

 Twinner cousins are the best!

 Two of my very most favorite girls!
 The Birthday girl lucked out and got a nice and long Carter lovin' while he took a nap. I think a sleeping baby on my chest with and ocean breeze it how I want to spend my next Birthday. I don't think I will get that lucky seeing as this is the first time Carter has ever slept there. 
This started out as a project for all of us, but ended with me being the only one building it. This is the only picture I have with Tyler in it. Besides a quick bite to eat he didn't leave the water the whole time. 

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