Anyways here is a funny story that happened to Boston and I this morning. He has been really into locking doors lately. This morning we were in his room getting dressed and he needed to go to the bathroom which is something he wants to do all by himself lately. So I sat on his floor and when he left the room he shut his door and locked it from the outside. He finished his potty business and tried to open the door but for some reason he couldn't unlock it. So here I sat locked in his room and he had the rest of the house to his naked little self. I scoured his room to find something to unlock the door. I kept telling him to try and unlock it and he couldn't do it. I decided to send him on a hunt for the skewers. He came back with all sorts of things my car keys, a cutting board, knife sharpener, magnets, erasers, fruit snacks, and a couple other random things. By this time it had been about a half hour. Meanwhile I kept scouring the room and every time he returned to the door with something for me to unlock the door with he would remind me that I needed to wipe him :). I finally found some little scissors that I was able to unlock the door with. It was pretty funny to be honest and he was being so funny during it all.
Here are a couple pictures that show how tiny Carter is. On his wrist is Travs wedding ring. He is doing really well the last couple days. We are working on lowering his vent settings and his oxygen. Currently his vent is set at 30 and his oxygen is around 30-36 depending on the day. This is kinda his happy spot so please pray that he can go down on his settings so we can get him off the vent and move on to the c-pap. He is doing really well with his feedings. He is up to 10cc which is great being one week post op.
Here he is a nice and comfy with his snuggly. Boston loved this picture!
I am still loving holding little C-man. He crib mate came down with RSV so they are wanting me to be the one holding him for a couple days so that my milk will make the antibodies that Carter needs to fight it even though he tested negative for it.
For the next post I want to answer questions any of you have because I haven't been able to. I am very open about all this so any questions you have about anything I will try my best to answer. Ps I won't get offended by anything either so don't be afraid to ask. This will be great for record keeping too since there is so much more I want to post about, but haven't had time.
What is a typical day like right now? I'm always curious about how you divide your time between being in the hospital with Carter and being home with Boston.
is anyone besides family (adults) allowed in the NICU to see Carter?
I'm dying over that story about Boston locking you in his room. I was really laughing out loud. I'm glad you finally got out. That could have made for a very long day.
Maybe you already answered this, but how long will Carter have to be in the hospital? How are you dealing with this emotionally? You're so strong.
I just love little Carter man and love that the snuggly is his same size :) we keep praying for you all and I always wonder how you guys do it all! Love you!
You are so amazing! I love reading your posts especially on days that I feel overwhelmed. You really help me put my life in perspective. I was wondering about your whole surgery thing the day before Christmas. Are your ovaries ok? Also if Carter is doing well do you still have to keep him in the NICU until your due date no matter what? How long do you get to do skin to skin contact at a time?
Cute pics, he is so little. Will Carter be fine when he is out of the hospital? Or do they think he will have on going problems? What about you. Are you able to have more kids...and do you want to? Love reading your blog, wish I lived by you so Boston and Ethan could play!
Haha OH man, I loved the story of being locked in Boston's room! I bet he really LOVED that!
My questions are the same as D'Laina. What are Carter's long term health issues? And I read something about you saying this would be your last pregnancy? I feel like I am asking such a personal question so feel free not to answer. I just can totally understand how scary both Boston's and Carter's births have been so I guess I am curious to know how this has affected your decision on more kids?
i totally laughed out loud with Boston's story! i'm sure it was super stressful at the time but i'm glad you wrote it down so you can all look back on it. sounds like Trav hasn't been able to hold Carter yet because of the RSV thing. so sorry but i hope Carter is tough enough to fight through it so Trav can hold him soon. You look like you're in heaven when you're doing Kangaroo Care :) i had to grab Rian's snuggly to see how big it was & think of Carter! love how it's wrapped around him.
as far as questions, you answered them when we talked so i don't have any anymore. we keep praying & thinking about you guys. Rian now says "bwess Carter" first thing in every prayer :) love you!
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