Saturday, December 17, 2011

December 1st

I don't think I am a very superstitious person, but I am starting to think that December 1st might be a day where I should just lay low. The 5 previous years something bad has always happened on December 1st. I have been rear-ended, had back spasms, been in a car totaling accident, put on bed rest, and whatever else. Three times I ended up in the hospital on that day twice while being pregnant. Weird. This year for months we have said that we were going to stay in hiding, but I guess life must go on or at least Doctors appointments must. Thankfully this year we were safe. We actually had a great day and even better night. Buddy the elf made his grand entrance. We had waffles and hot chocolate for dinner. Boston also got to open the much anticipated Lego advent calendar from G & G Wilson. By the way if you have boys old enough this is a must next year SO cool. I guess December 1st isn't so bad after all... I think. O and we're thinking of keeping Buddy year round. Boston has been absolutely charming lately. Considering that fact I was ready to pull my hair out every day a month ago this is a huge feat and I think we owe it all to Buddy.
Lego Calendar. Pretty cool if you ask me.
Carter loving the wrapping paper.
Boston learned about Buddy's magic after he touched him. Not sure what the backpack was all about that night.
Boston and Carter's letter from Santa.
Gosh I sure do love these Boy's!

1 comment:

D'Laina said...

Our Elf on the shelf is Buddy too :) Yes it has changed my life for the best lol seriously though Ethan has been a changed boy since our Elf appeared on our doorstep!