Today Carter had his surgery to get tubes put in his ears. We weren't really worried about this at all since the whole thing takes 15 minutes tops. We were a little concerned how he would do on anesthisia, but thankfully he did great. The thing we were most anxious about was definitely the bronch/scope to check the condition of his airway.

Right before surgery he was just a tad nervous about all the Doctors standing around.
Getting wheeled back to meet up with Dr. Rohn (our fav ENT) and Dr. Jones (ansthisiologist). We love them both. They were the ones that did all his surgeries when we were back in teh NICU.

Right after Surgery. He did great coming out. A little aggitated was all.

I don't know if it's a sign or not, but every time we go to Childrens Carter makes sure to give the finger. =)

And here he was just a couple hours later. Happy and normal as can be.

And here is Carter's airway. If your thinking "that's tiny" your absolutely right it is SO tiny. We had high hopes that because he has been doing so well on his speaking valve it would be in a lot better condition than it was. They grade your airway opening like this.
grade 1- 0%-70% closure
grade 2- 70%-90% closure
grade 3- 90%-99% closure
grade 4- no opening
Dr. Rohn gave us a significant grade 2 which really means a grade 3. Carter's airway is almost 90% closed. In the picture above the little back dot/line thing is his opening. All the white/pink part is what is supposed to be open.
So what does this mean. First off how in the world Carter breaths comfortably on his speaking valve is such a mystery. Actually it most definitely is a tender mercy. It means that we fall into that stinkin 1% group again. We will try in the spring to dilate it (with a balloon type thing) and steroids to open it up. If this doesn't work we will have to get the surgery that we have been scared to death about. Dr. Rohn is very honest and told us that we will most likely be a good candidate for the surgery. There are so few doctors that actually do the procedure that we would need to go to Cincinnati to have it done. The best of the best are there and that is where we will head if it comes to that. The procedure would entail a vertical incision down his neck and they would take cartilage from his voice box and create and stint in his airway to keep it open. I have no idea what recovery would be like and if it is something that would have to be repeated as he grows, but I am not even going there until we have to. To be honest this has totally thrown me off. It feels good to have an answer about what is really going on, but I was hoping and praying with everything I had that this would not be the answer.
So again we are asking for a miracle and would love your prayers for our little man. And for us we are needing them too.
Oh poor thing! We will continue to pray for the little man. Love you guys.
so sorry it wasn't the news you were hoping for :( poor little guy! we'll definitely still keep praying for him, his vocal chords and for you guys...for the strength to get through this. love you guys.
We are definitely thinking about you guys! Praying for some good news. I am glad his ear surgery went well though and glad he came out of anesthesia well. Lucy is a nightmare coming out of anesthesia; I almost always carry her out of the hospital kicking and screaming. Carter seems to have such a sweet temperament. And when did Boston get so big! His bday party looked so fun! What a good mommy you are! Love you and miss you!
I always sneak at your blog because I need an update about this precious boy. I am sorry to hear that you didn't get the news you hoped for...but glad to know that you're getting the help you need and that he's doing so well. He is so beautiful. You are a wonderful and exemplary family. Thanks for sharing your inspiration with us. Thinking of you...
teres you continue to amaze me with what a wonderful attitude you have. im glad today went good other than the airway news :( thankfully you do have some answers. sure love you and you are in our prayers!!
Definately praying for Carter! I'm glad today went well, other than the airway stuff. You are so strong and amazing!
We continue to think about/pray for you guys! Thanks for the update. So glad the tubes surgery went well.
So glad the tubes went well, sorry that you got bad news about the airway. We are always praying but now can be more specific.
That party you threw was amazing!!! Ryan's is next week and I think I will wait to show him Boston's party pictures until after his party is over. :) Don't want him thinking I can pull off something like his Aunt Teresa. It looked awesome!! Ryan's big request is that it is a pajama party. So fun. Love you guys!
I love you guys. I just wish we could be there to help you out. Take care and breathe. :)
Oh my goodness. I'm so sorry! Hang in there. We'll continue praying.
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