Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Will Ferrel or Josh Hamilton?

Carter has some crazy hair and we are not sure where it came from. The texture is SO course almost like African Americans and is ringlet tight curls. We wanted to try and grow it out a little to see what it would do. He got hot and we couldn't control the fro in the humidity so it didn't last too long. Trav thought he looked like a baby Will Ferrel and I thought he looked like Josh Hamilton. There is NO controlling it! Maybe when we are back in the hospital we will give it a go again. For now we will keep Buzzing it every other week, because it grows SO fast!

1 comment:

Craig Wilson said...

So cute!!! Holy cow!!! I'd like to have a pinch of his curl!!! And cute Boston! Loves those boys. Thanks for sharing
Mom W.