Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Nixon Party!

Our good friends the Nixon's from TX moved to LA back in October. We were so excited that we would have a familiar face close by when we moved here. Boston was so excited to get together with them and it was SO good to see Sheree! 

 We headed down the street from their house to the beach. It didn't last long because it was freezing!
 No worries thought because their backyard is pretty much as cool as the beach! The kids had fun playing on the slip n' slide for hours. I was a mean Mom and sent Carter down it. He pretty much hated me for it. 

We are about an hour from each other so definitely close enough to get together every once in a while. It sure did our spirits good to see them. They are an incredible family!


HILL HESS said...

So jealous!! Miss you!!!

Rene said...

I am so incredibly jealous right now. Miss you guys (and the Nixons) to pieces!