Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Bye Bye Mickey Button!

For various reason we have not been able to get into the GI doc since we have moved here. I was finally able to get in and lets just say it was a pretty great appointment! We were hoping that we would be able to get his Mickey button out since we haven't used it for over four months and it gets very sensitive and leaks puss a lot. Knowing that this was his first time we would see the doc we weren't expecting that to happen though. He told us that he has three criteria for taking it out. 1-That he can safely swallow food 2-He can gain weight consistently and 3-He doesn't use it at all for three months. We had a information sent beforehand that he had a safe swallow study done back in Texas and because he was a part of the Children's network he was able to see that since May he had gained 2 lbs and he took my word that we hadn't used it for four months. Hallelujah! No more foreign objects on this little man. 

If you would have asked me six months ago if I ever thought this was possible I would have laughed in your face. Although he was making progress with his eating it was at such a SLOW pace and he didn't drink much liquids. We feel so blessed and so grateful for this little boy. He continues to amaze us with all he has overcome. We are so fortunate to have him and blessed beyond to be his parents. The only down side to the GI visit was that he was the first Doctor here that I have really liked (not just because he took out the Mickey I must add) and we don't have to go back unless we need him. Go figure ha. 

1 comment:

Rene said...

WooHoo. Go Carter Go!!!