Well we still think he is the cutest and best thing ever! He is a full on little boy and I can't believe it. Somethings that are sparking his interest lately are
*Cars- (no surprise there) he still is very into lining them up
*Being Daddy's little copycat. It doesn't mater if it is his belt, shoes, tools, basketball, car, or hair he thinks it is pretty cool and does little things all day long just like Daddy.
*Vacuuming- He could go around all day with this little thing and lots of times I let him he does a pretty good job and actually picks up quite a bit.
*ABC's or BC's as he calls them- Thanks to his puzzles, chicka chicka boom boom, little people ABC CD, and his personal favorite Super WHY he is actually doing really well with them. Here is a little clip of him singing them. Well some of them =)
*Books- I feel like I am a librarian all day cleaning up books, reading them, sorting them you name it. His favorite right now are his "name book", chicka chicka boom boom, and still goodnight gorilla
He is talking like crazy and it is so much fun. Some of my favorite things he says are "careful mommy big big owee", "mommy I a happy boy" or "mommy I a lucky boy", "I choose book now" said every time we walk near his room, "c'mere mommy hug and kiss now" my favorite. He uses the words now and my/mine A LOT!
Still working like a crazy man. We see him so much more now and it is Heaven! He is teaching Boston how to play basketball which ever since daddy's game last week is the coolest thing ever. He is such a great Dad and an incredible husband! We enjoy lounging at night and playing games.
I am starting to get the itch to finally decorate and make stuff for the house. I am also hoping that next weeks blood draw for my thyroid will be a good one. I haven't had a good one in over a year and I think its about freaking time =) I also think it's about time for warm weather we could use some good outdoor weather around our house.
That's it we are all doing good and happy. We love being in our home and spending more time together.
Boston is the best. I loved his BC's video. He's always been such a smartie pants.
p.s. I have a crush on your plaid jacket!
i agree with candra, i love your plaid jacket too! i need to look that cute. thanks for the update & we're praying for a good thyroid test too (although, i don't know why you're having blood drawn/thryoid problems...please tell me!). lots of prayers for you :)
Such a cute, cute, boy!!!! Mommy and Daddy too! We can hardly wait to see you. I love the bath and song! He is so handsome. Great job to your mom. yep, she is a cool grandma, for sure!
Love you,
MOM w.
Boston is the cutest boy ever!!! I loved the video. I can't believe he is so big. He also has wonderful parents. I miss you guys and love you lots. :)
what a great update. I'm so glad you posted something about you and Trav too. I love Boston! He's so funny. what a cute little personality and I love that he's daddy's little shadow. too cute! I can't wait to see what you are doing with your house!!
Boston is so cute and getting so old! I love all the words he says. You guys are such a sweet cute family.
So, do you have thyroid problems? Six months ago I started having problems with my thyroid and I just went in today actually to have an ultrasound done on it. So I'm curious to know about you...?
What a sweet boy! I hope your thyroid is ok. Stuff like that is no fun. Good luck with everything.
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