I can't get enough of this Boy. He seriously is the best!!! I couldn't have asked for things to go better with how he is behaving since Carter got home. Of course he still has plenty of his "moments", but for the most part he is awesome. I can't believe how big he is getting. Seriously he just keeps getting taller and smarter every day. All the sudden he knows all his letters, talks like he is 10 years old, and is ALL BOY!!! Anything that can be jumped off of, crashed into, made a mess of he is all about it. I think most people cringe at some of the things little boys do, but for me it is so much easier to just go with it. We are both so much happier when I jump/crash/whatever with him. I am learning to let things go with this boy thats for sure. I have accepted that my house will not always be clean. In fact every three hours it turns into world war three. Lets just say that Boston hasn't always been the best when it comes to playing independently and now that We do Carter's treatments and feeds every three hours it is forcing him learn. His learning definitely is coming with a lot of messes.
This kid is absolutely hilarious! I wish I was better at recording all the funny things he says. Lately he has taken note that there are black and white people. Yesterday we were at Walmart and Boston said hi to this old guy and he didn't say anything back. Boston said "that old white guy is mean". Fast forward to when we were checking out. The checker was the nicest lady ever. She actually takes care of a little boy with a trach so we were talking about that. She was joking with Boston and when we were done and walking away he said "thank you for the groceries black lady". Luckily she busted out laughing with me. I am so glad because there was no way I was going to be able to hold that one in.
He LOVES his Brother! I think he was a little disappointed that Carter didn't come running out of the hospital and ready for him to play with. He adjusted quickly and has found ways to "play" with him anyways. Take this for instance when he set up this little spot for them so he could teach him about his trains. Seriously he had chairs, bumbo, and table all set up for me and then told me where to put Carter.
One thing he doesn't love is when I try to take pictures of him with Carter. He asks to hold him multiple times a day so I have plenty of chances, but no success. One other funny story is we were at the park one day and he wanted to play with something that another kid was on and he told the little boy "you need to listen to the holy ghost and get off that" again I died laughing. I am learning that when he says something funny I am terrible at disciplining or sticking to my word. I really need to work on that because he says funny things all the time when I am trying to get my point across to him.
Really he is such a great little boy. We are nuts about him and just think the world of him. I feel so blessed to be his Mom and when he says thing like "can I have this candy because I love you" I take it that he loves me back. If he could quite waking up multiple times a night to come join the party in Mom and Dad's room I would call him pretty close to perfect. If only he knew that his parents are probably the biggest party poopers do to being completely exhausted he would say asleep.
oh my gosh, Teresa!! that setup is the cutest thing ever. i couldn't help but immediately start to laugh at how clever he was to set it all up & "explain" to Carter all about trains. he's adorable & growing up too fast! tell him to slow down :)
So precious and fun! I can't wait until I can have a little man around the house:)
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