Monday, July 23, 2012

Seattle - The Ranch

Right after the race we went back to my Grandma's to shower and head up to the ranch for a family reunion. When my Mom was growing up every summer her and all her cousins would got to Star Valley Wyoming to work on the family ranch. This family reunion was with the Ross and Irene Woodward family at the Ensign Ranch just outside of Seattle with all the cousins my Mom grew up with working at the ranch. It was SO much fun. I love getting together with all my family and it had been a while since we had done a reunion and the ranch did not disappoint. 

 Cousin time! We spent a lot of time outside doing different things from feeding the horses, playing basket ball, rock climbing, playing horseshoe, and the favorite of late night steal the flag. I had so much fun playing steal the flag with my cousins and second cousins and we all took it very serious which made it all the more fun! I come from a wee bit competitive family. 
 There were activities planned throughout the days and one of the funniest ones was minute to win it. One night we had a big family home evening where everyone had to do a skit. I wish I had pictures they were pretty funny. We also watched a movie about my Great Grandma and Grandpa it was so fun to see tidbits of their life. It was such a great night and the spirit was so strong. 
 Austyn, Linzi, Chandler, and Grant are some of my youngest cousins and it was the first reunion we have had that age difference didn't make a difference. Boston was in love with all of them! At our last big family reunion in Minnesota I was 17 and my cousin Chandler was 4 and he was a big fan of me. Every picture taken then he was glued to my side. Everyone always gives him a hard time about it so we had to get a kissing cousin picture. It was fun this time around he being 17 and Boston 4 to see the roles switched. Boston was obsessed with him it was so cute and Chandler was great to let him tag along everywhere he went. 
I LOVE these pics of Boston rock climbing with my cousin Austyn helping him. He never did make it higher than her shoulder, but he LOVED it!
 One of the game nights we played Limbo it was SO funny. I don't come from a very flexible family which made it even more hilarious. I was the adult winner which wasn't saying much. They also had tables set up to do little crafts which was fun. One of them had all different kinds of duct tape and to say Boston was a fan was an understatement. He made visors, swords, shoes, and a wallet out of duct tape. Magically he came home with a wallet full of money. It didn't take him long to figure out that if he showed it to the adults they would put a dollar in it. Smart boy!
Trav had to go back to work so he wasn't able to come up to the ranch. I made sure to keep him up to date with pics of the boys. Boston loved the sleeping arrangements because he got a bunk bed! He asks for a bunk bed all the time and can't wait for Carter to be big enough to share one with him. Speaking of Carter he loved it up there too. He loved scooting around the gym floor and was happy to be passed around to all the family members that just so happen to be BIG fans of his. He had lots of "Carter I have been SO excited to finally meet you" moments. We have an incredible family that has been praying for little man and our family and it was so fun for them to meet him.  I feel like I didn't see the boys all weekend. Carter was being passed around and Boston was loving all the teenagers giving him more attention than he ever needs. It was SO much fun I can't wait to do it again next time with Trav there. 
My immediate family
Top Row: Unlce David, Brother Kelsey, Unlce Mike, Cousin Austyn, Aunt Jeane, Grandma Haymond, Cousin Grant, Uncle Dave, Neice Sloan, Brother Kyle
Bottom Row: Mom Diane, Sister In-law Brienne, Aunt Tracy, Boston, Cousin Linzi, Me , Carter, Cousin Chandler, Aunt MaryAnn.

We had quite a few of my cousins that couldn't make it so the only way to fix that problem is to do it again! I really wasn't expecting the ranch to be that great, but it was awesome. I didn't want the weekend to end. I LOVE being with family more than anything!

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