Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Surgery is back ON!

We went to the docs today and were not at all surprised when he said we needed to move forward with reconstruction surgery. I have been saying all along that I thought we would have to do it, last time just wasn't the day for it. Our new surgery day is October 15th which means that we will finish our final surgery just before Christmas. Getting his trach out will be the best gift ever!!! The Doc also suggested that we discontinue therapy until the beginning of the year. With recovery time from all the surgeries and the risk of getting sick from other kids it just is not worth it. Not going to lie I was not at all disappointed to hear that. I might have been even a little happy about it. Going four days a week for a year and a half is exhausting and a break during the holidays sounds heavenly. We feel more ready for it this time and are happy to be moving forward.

This little guy has been a big time Mommas boy lately. He always has been, but holy smokes it's crazy right now. Mix Mommas boy and not feeling well and you get some amazing snuggle time! Heaven I tell ya!
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HILL HESS said...

Great news, Teresa! Let us know how we can help!

Rene said...

So glad you have the go ahead to get that stinking trach out! Glad that you get a little break too.

Rachel said...

What a sweet photo!