I seriously thought this day would never come! I can't even begin to count the times that this surgery or this dilation, or this medication would prepare us to decannulate and it didn't work. Going in the day of his scheduled dacannulation I wouldn't even let myself get excited about it, because there was still a chance that they wouldn't be able to if his airway had regressed at all.
He was being such a cheeser before they took him back. We ended up waiting for over three hours after his scheduled time. Good thing Carter was so happy because I was a ball of nerves.
After they did the bronch to make sure everything looked good they brought him out with pretty much a band aid over his trach site. It all seemed to anti climatic. We wait and wait and wait to get the dang thing out and you put a band aid over it. Ha ha. I can't tell you how good it was to see his cute little neck without anything on it. I swear Trav and I had to of kissed his little neck over a hundred times.
One thing I was worried about was how he would tolerate his breathing treatments without the trach. He has always been sensitive to things on or around his face. In true Carter fashion he handled it like a champ.
While we were there one of the nurses told us something that I have thought all along Carter's journey. She said "ya know these kids (referring to Carter) are pretty amazing, but I tell ya their siblings are right up there with them. It takes a special kiddo to deal with all this (pointing around the room)" I couldn't agree more. Boston is simply amazing! He was SO excited to see Carter with no Trach!
After we got the phone call from the Doc tell us that decannulation was going to happen for sure and that his MRI and sleep study all looked good, the first thing I did was head into his closet and trash all his trach supplies! I can't tell you how liberating it was! A couple days after decannulation we went to his pulmonoligist and he discontinued all his breathing treatment. He is now only on and inhaler twice a day and reflux medicine. I seriously almost died! I thought for sure we would be doing those forever! Feeling more normal every day and it feels amazing!
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