This will forever be a day that made Trav the proudest Father ever. Boston was wearing his matching Jordans and a Cowboys shirt (Dad dressed him could you tell)
Boston said his Jordans make him run faster and jump higher.
Is it just me or is my baby starting to look like a big boy?
Check out my Camo. For those of you that know my Dad know that he is a real Mountain Man. He gave Boston and incredible amount of Camo and we are talking real camo not the trendy kind. I mean the snaps on the onsies are snaps that you would find on a tent or something.
We have started cheering for our favorite team early. I am guessing that the person that gave this to him intended for him to wear it at nine months during Cowboys season but since my 4 month old is hitting the nine month clothing we will start early.
Check out my shades. I really like to wear them. Thanks Grandma D
My little Chunk
Boston gets cuter with every picture I see of him. What an adorable little guy you have.
he keeps getting bigger and bigger! so cute! hope trav had a great father's day.
ok those pics with the matching shoes are SOOO cute!haha. I love Boston. I miss you guys! how is the summer over there? Hot yet?
I love the new pics. I especially like the one where he's wearing the glasses and also the first one with him and Travis. He's an absolute doll!!
Teresa!! I am so glad I can see your blog now!! Your little boy is so cute!! Last time I saw a pictue of him was his announcement! He is getting so big and is so cute!! Kamri has acid reflux too... Its so sad... I want one of your magnent boards for her room they are so cute!! How do I get one?
He is so big.. i love that last pic! i just want to eat him!
Boston is getting so big! I love love all of the pics. You sure have a cute little guy! Love you!
gosh! what a cutie! I love the photo with him and Trav- the Jordans! I love it! Like father like son!
Hi!!! Boston is getting so big. He is adorable!!! :) Take care and have fun. Enjoy every moment. Love you all!!!
He is such a chunk! I love it! We miss you guys- hope you are doing well. Mason loves the matching shoes! It made him jealous of the obvious male bonding.
Oh there is nothing cuter then that last picture!!!! Look at how chubby he's gotten! LOVE IT!
Teresa, he is SO CUTE. Especially the "My little chunk" picture, haha, I'm in love with it! This whole post is just precious. So how long are you guys in Texas for? Where is Plano at?
What a handsome boy! I can't wait to have one of my own! :) By the way I was going to ask you how you make your button boards? (If you want to keep it a secret I can totally understand;)
What a handsome boy! I can't wait to have one of my own! :) By the way I was going to ask you how you make your button boards? (If you want to keep it a secret I can totally understand;)
I think he has his uncle's man-boobs. wierd.
Ha Ha!!! Check it out now... My computer was being retarded!!
oh he's so beautiful. Even little Marcus is freaking out about how cute he is. I do love the chubba chubba babies.
I forgot to tell you this sooner... Alfer told me last night that he'd love to have you guys at his Citizenship ceremony. I know it's totally short notice, but I don't have your #. It's at 2:15 in Dallas. If you'd like to come, give alfer a call on his cell 214-837-9686. Afterwards we're having a barbq at our house (around 6) and we'd LOVE to have you help us celebrate!!
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