Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Little Things

I feel like I have been so terrible at blogging about the small everyday things. So here is to more blogging about the small things, because I am sure these are the things I will forget about someday.
Little man standing. He started baring weight in his legs around 11 months and just recently is able to hold our hands and stand on his own or up against toys. He doesn't last long, but he loves it.
This little boy has been on a coloring, painting, gluing kick these days. For his birthday he was given a rainy day kit and inside it had a bottle of Elmer's glue. Who knew a kid could love glue so much. I am fairly certain that if our house fell apart he could glue it back together. He has been gluing EVERYTHING!!!!
Geotrax. What more can I say. We spend hours every day building them. This particular one was "our best one yet!"
Carter eating a Cheeto. He has such an aversion to food that we were completely shocked when he went to town eating/sucking one it. He was pretty proud of himself!


Karissa Kay said...

I love the new blog header. Lily loves glue too! What is it with kids and glue?!

melissa marie said...

So glad to hear about Cincinnati Teres! You are such a good mommy and have THE CUTEST boys!