Jamie tagged me so here I go
*5 things I was doing 10 years ago
1.Getting Braces
2.Going into Young Womens
3.Hidding in the bathroom during tap class. Never liked tap.
4.Playing the dog in the play peter pan (sad I know)
5.Living on a diet of ice cream and cereal. My Mom had to make a rule that I could only have them once a day.
*5 things on my to do list
1.Clean my Bathroom
2.Work on boards
3.Go to Wal-mart
4.finish laundry (this will forever be on my list)
5.get caught up on scrapbooking
*5 favorite snacks
1.Ice cream
2.fruit snacks
3.Chips and Salsa
4.Vanilla pudding (it was the only good snack in the hospital and I am addictted now)
*5 things I would do if I were a Billionare
1.Buy a house with a pool
2.Buy a boat
3.Buy everyone in our family a house in Texas
4.Donate to a charity
5.Not sure at this point in my life I can't even imagine that amount of money. At this point what am I talking about I don't think I ever will.
*5 bad habits
1.Leaving my shoes by the front door
2.Planning dinners for the week. This leads to alot of trips to the grocery store.
3.leaving the ing off of words. I say things like huntin' insted of hunting
4.Obbsessive about keeping my closet color coordinated. Thats what you get when you size and colorize BP sale rounders for 5 years
5.Cracking everything (knuckles, neck, back, knees, everything)
*5 places I've lived
1.Thayne Wyoming
2.Provvo Utah
3.Orem, Utah
4.Lucas, Texas
5.Plano, Texas
*5 People I tag